On the Thursday Mats, Naya and I drove about 3 hours north.. and went to stay in Mats' fathers summer house in the woods... It was quite fun.. we went for lots of walks in the forest and just relaxed a lot.. i was really hoping to see a moose.. but unfortunately I didnt see one! there was sooo much moose poo though.. and there was some only like 10 metres from the house.. so they were around..
there are also supposed to be bears around that area, but i didnt see any of those either!
it was funny, when we were walking around the forest.. instead of looking out for snakes and lizards.. i was looking out for mooses and bears! quite a bit different! oh and i kept expecting to just see a kangaroo jump past.. but believe it or not, i didnt see any of those either!
we stayed there for the night.. and then we went home friday evening.
Saturday i went to Stockholm and met up with some exchange students... Saturday the weather was soooooo nice.. it was around 25 degrees in stockholm.. and so there were people everywhere trying to get some sun.
i wore a dress that day... without stockings and without a cardigan or anything!! it was a very exciting moment ;)
we didnt really do much in stockholm.. me, claire and megan (both from the u.s.) just went and sat in a park in the sun talking all afternoon.. it was really nice... and i even managed to get sunburnt...
Then on Sunday Mats, Naya and I went to the stables where they both ride at... There was a special 'horse day' on.. and there were different demonstrations.. they had a dressage demonstration, a gymast on horseback demonstration, some iceland pony demonstration, and then some people acting as knights.. and they did jousting and stuff.. like in the movie 'a knights tale' it was really cool :)
This week i've just been going to school.. its been warm all week though.. which is really nice.. i've been checking the weather back home on the internet.. and its been warmer here lately or around the same temperature.. so i think that is pretty cool :)
Everything is soo nice and green here at the moment.. ive never seem so many different shades of green in my life!! i will take some photos soon so i can show you :)
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