I have spent all day.. packing up my room! gahhhh. it is not fun.
I am so bad at it, i keep procrastinating (like now for instance), i dont know where all the stuff i have here came from :S it is definately more than 20kg!!
anywho i really have nothing interesting to tell you, apart from i dont like packing.. and i suppose i should keep at it, cos i still have lots to do and i am shifting tomorrow morning!
adios amigos.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Last friday afternoon i went to Nyköping, a town south of Stockholm.. There are quite a few exchange students living there.. and this weekend there were a few others (like myself) also there.. I stayed at another exchange students hosue, called Nathan (hes from canada), there was also a french exchange student named Nathan staying there aswell.
That night there was a group of us that went to some place on top of some hill surrounded by trees and stuff... and we had a fire.. and cooked korv (sausage) and all talked lots... There was Me, Megan (U.S), Stevie (NZ), Nathan (Canada), Zach (US), Maxence (France), Nathan (France), Mayuka (Japan)... There was also a group of swedes at the same spot.. and they were playing a Swedish game called Kubb.. and we talked to them for a bit and played Kubb with them, which was really fun.. (google it, if you want to know what it is)..
it was a nice night.. with only a little bit of drama.. involving a certain exchange student deciding they would spend 3 hours up a tree in the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning.. and not get down..
The next morning we went to Trosa, which is not far from Nyköping.. (Trosa means womens underpants in Swedish.. hehehe).. On the drive there, we seen two mooses on the side of the road! i got sooo excited, and was making little excited noises :) one of my aims this year, was to see a moose.... and now i have seen two of them!!!
we were at Trosa for saturday and sunday... there was exchange students there that are currently in sweden (like me) and then there were some swedish students who were going to be exchange students.. The weekend was really chilled, and we all just talked lots and played sport and stuff.. where we were staying was really nice.. it was actually a school.. but it was right near a lake.. and forest and there were all beautiful gardens all around.. while going for a walk.. we seen a dead snake on the path... which was also another exciting moment... even if it was dead..
it was really small and it was chopped in half, with all its snake guts coming out ;) there are only two types of snakes in sweden and only one is poisonous... this was one of the poisonous ones :)
Yesterday, we had a thing called Slaget... it was like a sports day type thing for school.. the school i go to, Rosendal was competing against another gymnasium, called Fyris.
Throughout the day, there were lots of different sports being played... there was Innerbandy, Dodgeball, Basketball, Handball, Soccer and Volleyball... it was all played in a stadium thing... and on one side sat Fyris and then on the other side all the people from Rosendal sat... everyone was wearing their schools colours.. and it was such a cool atmosphere.. by the end of it.. my throat was sore from yelling and my hands were sore from clapping.... and i wasnt cheering half as much as most people were! we ended up winning the day, which was really cool... cos the people from Fyris were all really annoying and such bad sports, so i was glad they didnt win :)
Afterwards.. me, angelina, philip and axel went to a chinese restaraunt and had the buffet :) yummmmm.. i was soooo hungry.. i hadnt eaten all day.. and so, all you can eat chinese went down very nicely :)
Last night i also got a package from home in the mail, which was really exciting.. it was all pretty ordinary things that if i was in australia i would have and see quite regularly... chocolate, vegemite, some local newspapers from home, a frankie magazine and a few photos... but seeing im not in australia at the moment, it was so exciting to see all these familiar things :)
This sunday i am moving to another family for two weeks.. so before then i have to pack up all my things here, which is a big job.... i have already bought and collected so many things in my four months here.. so i am not looking forward to the next few days where i have to pack it all up and shift it.. I am a bit nervous about changing families, but i am also excited.. I guess it is going to happen whether i am nervous about it or not.. so there is no use in worrying too much about it..
That night there was a group of us that went to some place on top of some hill surrounded by trees and stuff... and we had a fire.. and cooked korv (sausage) and all talked lots... There was Me, Megan (U.S), Stevie (NZ), Nathan (Canada), Zach (US), Maxence (France), Nathan (France), Mayuka (Japan)... There was also a group of swedes at the same spot.. and they were playing a Swedish game called Kubb.. and we talked to them for a bit and played Kubb with them, which was really fun.. (google it, if you want to know what it is)..
it was a nice night.. with only a little bit of drama.. involving a certain exchange student deciding they would spend 3 hours up a tree in the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning.. and not get down..
The next morning we went to Trosa, which is not far from Nyköping.. (Trosa means womens underpants in Swedish.. hehehe).. On the drive there, we seen two mooses on the side of the road! i got sooo excited, and was making little excited noises :) one of my aims this year, was to see a moose.... and now i have seen two of them!!!
we were at Trosa for saturday and sunday... there was exchange students there that are currently in sweden (like me) and then there were some swedish students who were going to be exchange students.. The weekend was really chilled, and we all just talked lots and played sport and stuff.. where we were staying was really nice.. it was actually a school.. but it was right near a lake.. and forest and there were all beautiful gardens all around.. while going for a walk.. we seen a dead snake on the path... which was also another exciting moment... even if it was dead..
it was really small and it was chopped in half, with all its snake guts coming out ;) there are only two types of snakes in sweden and only one is poisonous... this was one of the poisonous ones :)
Yesterday, we had a thing called Slaget... it was like a sports day type thing for school.. the school i go to, Rosendal was competing against another gymnasium, called Fyris.
Throughout the day, there were lots of different sports being played... there was Innerbandy, Dodgeball, Basketball, Handball, Soccer and Volleyball... it was all played in a stadium thing... and on one side sat Fyris and then on the other side all the people from Rosendal sat... everyone was wearing their schools colours.. and it was such a cool atmosphere.. by the end of it.. my throat was sore from yelling and my hands were sore from clapping.... and i wasnt cheering half as much as most people were! we ended up winning the day, which was really cool... cos the people from Fyris were all really annoying and such bad sports, so i was glad they didnt win :)
Afterwards.. me, angelina, philip and axel went to a chinese restaraunt and had the buffet :) yummmmm.. i was soooo hungry.. i hadnt eaten all day.. and so, all you can eat chinese went down very nicely :)
Last night i also got a package from home in the mail, which was really exciting.. it was all pretty ordinary things that if i was in australia i would have and see quite regularly... chocolate, vegemite, some local newspapers from home, a frankie magazine and a few photos... but seeing im not in australia at the moment, it was so exciting to see all these familiar things :)
This sunday i am moving to another family for two weeks.. so before then i have to pack up all my things here, which is a big job.... i have already bought and collected so many things in my four months here.. so i am not looking forward to the next few days where i have to pack it all up and shift it.. I am a bit nervous about changing families, but i am also excited.. I guess it is going to happen whether i am nervous about it or not.. so there is no use in worrying too much about it..
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Long Weekend
Last weekend was a long weekend... we had the Thursday and Friday off... I'm not sure what the long weekend was for, but any reason is good enough :)
On the Thursday Mats, Naya and I drove about 3 hours north.. and went to stay in Mats' fathers summer house in the woods... It was quite fun.. we went for lots of walks in the forest and just relaxed a lot.. i was really hoping to see a moose.. but unfortunately I didnt see one! there was sooo much moose poo though.. and there was some only like 10 metres from the house.. so they were around..
there are also supposed to be bears around that area, but i didnt see any of those either!
it was funny, when we were walking around the forest.. instead of looking out for snakes and lizards.. i was looking out for mooses and bears! quite a bit different! oh and i kept expecting to just see a kangaroo jump past.. but believe it or not, i didnt see any of those either!
Anywho, that was my 4 day weekend :)
On the Thursday Mats, Naya and I drove about 3 hours north.. and went to stay in Mats' fathers summer house in the woods... It was quite fun.. we went for lots of walks in the forest and just relaxed a lot.. i was really hoping to see a moose.. but unfortunately I didnt see one! there was sooo much moose poo though.. and there was some only like 10 metres from the house.. so they were around..
there are also supposed to be bears around that area, but i didnt see any of those either!
it was funny, when we were walking around the forest.. instead of looking out for snakes and lizards.. i was looking out for mooses and bears! quite a bit different! oh and i kept expecting to just see a kangaroo jump past.. but believe it or not, i didnt see any of those either!
we stayed there for the night.. and then we went home friday evening.
Saturday i went to Stockholm and met up with some exchange students... Saturday the weather was soooooo nice.. it was around 25 degrees in stockholm.. and so there were people everywhere trying to get some sun.
i wore a dress that day... without stockings and without a cardigan or anything!! it was a very exciting moment ;)
we didnt really do much in stockholm.. me, claire and megan (both from the u.s.) just went and sat in a park in the sun talking all afternoon.. it was really nice... and i even managed to get sunburnt...
Then on Sunday Mats, Naya and I went to the stables where they both ride at... There was a special 'horse day' on.. and there were different demonstrations.. they had a dressage demonstration, a gymast on horseback demonstration, some iceland pony demonstration, and then some people acting as knights.. and they did jousting and stuff.. like in the movie 'a knights tale' it was really cool :)
This week i've just been going to school.. its been warm all week though.. which is really nice.. i've been checking the weather back home on the internet.. and its been warmer here lately or around the same temperature.. so i think that is pretty cool :)
Everything is soo nice and green here at the moment.. ive never seem so many different shades of green in my life!! i will take some photos soon so i can show you :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Valborg, Norberg, Stockholm
Because i am so slack at writing.. i now have a bit of a list of things i should write about... gahhhh..
I'll start with Valborg..
Valborg is a celebration in Sweden on the 30th of April.. which from what i gathered, celebrates spring.. noone really knows the true reason of what they are celebrating.. but in Sweden, you dont really need a reason :)
Valborg in Uppsala is pretty massive.. I'm not sure how many people were in Uppsala that day... but there was a lot! Valborg is celebrated all throughout Sweden.. but because Uppsala has so many students living there, the event is a lot bigger here.

Then today, i have been in Stockholm... this was another Rotary thing... the Rotary club of Sundbyberg invited some exchange students to spend the day there.. we had lunch at their rotary meeting... which meant that we got to eat super nice food :) then after lunch we went on a boat ride around stockholm.. Stockholm is built on 14 islands.. so there is a lot of water.. and it was really cool to see the city from the water... it was also really sunny today.. so perfect weather for being on a boat :) i think i may have also got a tiny tiny bit of a tan... which is hard to come by! It was such a nice day.. and yea once again really cool spending time with exchange students..

I'll start with Valborg..
Valborg is a celebration in Sweden on the 30th of April.. which from what i gathered, celebrates spring.. noone really knows the true reason of what they are celebrating.. but in Sweden, you dont really need a reason :)
Valborg in Uppsala is pretty massive.. I'm not sure how many people were in Uppsala that day... but there was a lot! Valborg is celebrated all throughout Sweden.. but because Uppsala has so many students living there, the event is a lot bigger here.
I went with some friends from school and we watched the boat race in the morning... all the university students make some form of boat.. and race it down the river which runs through the centre of Uppsala.. this was quite funny.
Some of the boats were really good.... and some were really bad!
It was a really nice day, and the weather was nice and sunny.. we walked around alot, ate strawberries, sat a bit.. and walked some more.. at 3 o clock, all of the students gathered together wearing funny white hats, that looked like sailers hats.. then the head of the university (i think thats who it was) said something.. and then all the students ran down a hill.. that probably doesnt make much sense how i explained it.. but to be honest.. i didnt really get it ;) so thats the best i can do.
then that night me, Lara, Clara, Johanna, Lovisa and Lina all stayed at Angelina's house.. which was lots of fun..
It was a really nice day, and the weather was nice and sunny.. we walked around alot, ate strawberries, sat a bit.. and walked some more.. at 3 o clock, all of the students gathered together wearing funny white hats, that looked like sailers hats.. then the head of the university (i think thats who it was) said something.. and then all the students ran down a hill.. that probably doesnt make much sense how i explained it.. but to be honest.. i didnt really get it ;) so thats the best i can do.
then that night me, Lara, Clara, Johanna, Lovisa and Lina all stayed at Angelina's house.. which was lots of fun..
The weekend that has just been i went to Norberg. It was a Rotary event.. there was about 20 or so exchange students there and then there were lots of swedish students.. that are going to be leaving sweden to be exchange students in July. It was like an information weekend for the swedish students and their parents.. (I went to a similar thing in Australia this time last year)
so it was kinda cool to think back and finally be on the other side of the whole thing... there were a few boring talks about preparing for exchange that were aimed for the swedish people.. and then in the afternoon all the parents went home.. and we all stayed the night at the place.. it was pretty fun.. we played some games and things, and all just talked alot.. we went for a walk that night to try and find the old mines.. (cos norberg was a mining site) but nobody actually knew where we were meant to go.. and we didnt end up finding them... we did however find snow! which was odd... as i thought all the snow was gone!
so it was kinda cool to think back and finally be on the other side of the whole thing... there were a few boring talks about preparing for exchange that were aimed for the swedish people.. and then in the afternoon all the parents went home.. and we all stayed the night at the place.. it was pretty fun.. we played some games and things, and all just talked alot.. we went for a walk that night to try and find the old mines.. (cos norberg was a mining site) but nobody actually knew where we were meant to go.. and we didnt end up finding them... we did however find snow! which was odd... as i thought all the snow was gone!
At about 1am.. someone suggested we should go swimming in the lake... so unable to think of a reason why not too.. some of us went.. there was me and three other girls who are all exchange students here and then two swedish boys that went... and then some people came to watch us..
It was a cold night.. so the lake was absolutely freezing!!!! and by swimming... i mean more or less.. getting in.... diving under.... freezing.. then getting out :) it was pretty fun..
It was a cool weekend.. and was really good to catch up with all the other exchange students... and cool to meet all the swedes that are going to be exchange students!
It was a cool weekend.. and was really good to catch up with all the other exchange students... and cool to meet all the swedes that are going to be exchange students!

The next exciting trip i have.. is the Euro Tour.. which is in July... so its still a little while away.. I'm already super excited about it though!
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