Monday, September 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Gröna Lund, Kate Nash and Tjejmilen
Earlier that week I went to see a concert in Stockholm with Jess, another australian exchange student. We went and seen Kate Nash... and she was amazing!! She is such a good performer, she played the piano and guitar and was just really cool! She played alot of songs from her new album, but then also sang the older ones aswell... oh and it was really cute, inbetween songs she would drink cups of tea.
Kate Nash!
And then the weekend before this I did a 10km funrun/walk in Stockholm... it was called the Tjejmilen, and it is only for females... Tjej - meaning girl... and milen - meaning swedish mile.. which is 10km..
My host mum was doing it, so she had asked if i was interested in doing it... so me and three of my friends... Eliza, Jess and Zoe did it.. we were entered as team of four.. and we decided that to make things a bit more interesting.. we would dress up as animals.. so I went as a parrot, Eliza was a zebra, Jess was a Leopard and Zoe was a lion.. it was a lot of fun! and we had so much organising our costumes and painting ourselves :)
We also got alot of attention from it... everyone was looking at us and saying things to us (all nice of course!) and we even made it onto the television news and also in one of Sweden's national newspapers...! so that was quite exciting.. we were the only ones out of the several thousand people that entered, that dressed up..
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Back to School!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Way out West and Horse Wagons.
Me, Tom, Axel - wearing free t-shirts on our heads.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The first of July we left Sweden bright and early in the morning, all 65 (or so) of us got on our double decker bus which we would be on for the next 17 days and we left Sweden! We drove over the bridge to Denmark.. and then from Denmark we took the ferry to Germany.. we had lunch on the ferry. Then once we were in Germany we had quite a few more hours of driving before we finally arrived in Berlin.. Once we arrived in Berlin, we checked into our hostel (which was in a bit of a dodgy area) and then we went out for dinner. We went to a restaraunt and we ate German sausage and sauerkraut.. after dinner we just chilled back at the hostel..
DAY 2 - Berlin
Today we had a small tour of the city on the bus and we visited the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie and also a museum about the wall.. we then got dropped off in the centre of the city and we could spend the afternoon however we wanted.. A group of us went to a german pub and had lunch, which was really nice.. and then we took the subway and went and looked at a few different things, like the brandenburg gates, the jewish memorial and reichstag. It was a really nice day and really hot! then that night everyone went out to different places.. i went with some others to an outside type of club that was right on the riverside... it was really fun and we got some dancing in.
Berlin was a very interesting city to be in, and you could really notice the difference between eastern and western Berlin..
DAY 3 - Berlin - Cracow (Poland)
Today it was back on the bus, as we travelled to Poland.. we were on the bus for a full day.. Once we arrived in Cracow we went and had dinnner at a Polish restaraunt, and ate typical Polish food.. which was also accompanied with some violin and piano accordian playing.. the restaruant was really cool and had such a unique atmosphere.. then that night we just relaxed.
DAY 4 - Cracow
In the morning we had a walking tour of the city.. which was really cool. Poland was very different to all of the other cities we visited.. it was not as developed as the others and felt very 'Eastern Europe'. It was still a very cool city and had lots of pretty buildings.. after the tour we had our own free time for a few hours. So everyone just walked around and got some lunch. Cracow has a massive city square... like massive! there are restaraunts and shops all around and markets in the middle of the square..
Then that afternoon, we went to Auschwitz, which is a former concentration camp where several million people were killed. We had a tour here, which took us all around the camp.. it was a really tough tour, and i did not take any photos while we were here, cos i think it is a place where you need to go yourself and experience.. we went down into the gas chambers and into the torture rooms where so many people have been killed, it was kinda hard to handle. There was also rooms which had big displays of all the human hair and personal belongings which belonged to the prisoners in the camp.. this was really tough and affected lots of peoples emotions..
That night, to lighten the mood we all went out in Cracow and went to different bars and clubs and had a fun night.
DAY 5 - Cracow - Prague (Czech Republic)
Today we had another travel day on the bus.. we arrived at our hotel in the afternoon, which was really really big! it had over 1000 rooms and had a few shops and an indoor pool and gym and a big restaraunt..
DAY 6 - Prague
We had a walking city tour in the morning... Prague is such a beautiful city! there were lovely gardens, and the whole city is covered in pebblestones (which makes walking abit uneven!) the whole city seems to be perfectly layed out aswell.. i really liked Prague! in the afternoon we had free time.. as we had already seen most of the sites Prague had to offer... and also because it started pouring with rain! me and a few other girls decided it was the perfect opportunity to get some shopping in, so we spent the afternoon in a warm dry shopping centre :)
That evening, we all went on a cruise through Prague for dinner.. it was really fun, and so relaxing and beautiful as the sun was going down over the water... after dinner everyone went to a night club... which was 5 stories :) This was probably my favourite night of the whole trip, because everybody was in the same place, instead of all going to different places... it was lots of fun! :)
DAY 7 - Prague - Salzburg - Zell Am See (Austria)
Today we drove to Austria.. we had a brief stop in a small city named Salzburg.. which is the town where Mozart was born, and also where The Sound of Music is filmed and based.. it was a really sweet looking town. Then we kept driving on to Zell Am See.. which is the most beautiful town i have ever been in! its in the Austrian Alps so its surrounded by mountains and has the most scenic and clean lake!
DAY 8 - Zell Am See
Today was definately the most physically exhausting day.. we hiked up a freaking huge mountain! It took us about 4 or so hours to get up the mountain, and not everyone made it all the way up.. it was a really tough walk, but the view from the top definately made it all worth it!
Once we got to the bottom again, we were all quite hot and sweaty, so some of us stipped down to our undies and jumped in the lake ! which was the best feeling in the world! the afternoon was spent at the lake swimming and getting a little extra sun.
DAY 9 - Zell Am See - Lido di Jesolo (Italy)
Today we drove to Italy.. and seen some of the most amazing scenery on the way.. we arrived in the afternoon, and had a few hours to look around and explore the new place.. which was a beach side resort town.. it was also very hot in Italy! we spent the afternoon at the beach and also a lot of the night. we were staying in a really great spot.. on the main street which had shops and lots of pizzerias and places to buy gelati!
DAY 10 - Lido di Jesolo
Today we had the whole day to do whatever we wanted, so we spent the morning looking around at some shops and then the rest of the day at the beach and eating ice cream... it was really hot today! that night, after some pizza for dinner.. most people went back down to the beach.. they had a big screen set up and were playing the soccer.. so there were lots of people there watching that.. then we went to a club that night..
DAY 11 - Venice
Today we took the boat over to Venice and spent the day there.. Venice was really something different.. the city is sinking and alot of the streets are water.. we all went on gondola rides here through the city, which was sooo cool and i felt like i was a character in a movie.. after that we could explore on our own.. Venice has soo many tiny narrow streets and small bridges.. it was kinda surreal.. it was also swarming with tourists.. which kinda lost a bit of its appeal for me.. it was TOO touristy.. it was also kinda dirty and the narrow streets made me glad taht we werent there at night.. i was happy just to be spending the day here and go home to our awesome beach town..
that night it was the Soccer world cup Final.. so we went back to the beach and watched holland lose to spain.. it was a really cool atmosphere. and it was a perfect warm summer night..
DAY 12 - Lido di Jesolo - France
It was finally to leave our relaxing beach town and head to France. we spent the whole day driving.. and then spent the night in some random small town in France..
DAY 13 - Paris
We had another pretty full day of driving today before we finally reached Paris.. we arrived at our hotel.. and had a bit of time in the afternoon to check out our surroundings... we realised that once again we were staying in a bit of a dodgy area, kinda ghetto like.. but our hotel was really nice.. that afternoon we also drove by the eiffel tower and got to take photos.. after dinner.. we got to do whatever we liked.. so everyone split off in there seperate ways.. we walked around alot and seen the Arc De Triomphe at night time, and then also the Eiffel Tower at night.. with its flashing lights display..
DAY 14 - Paris
We had a free day to do whatever we wanted today, and this particular day it was Bastille day in France... so there was a big parade in Paris and also LOTS of people! we seen some of the parade.. through the massive crowd.. however then it started pouring with rain! none of us had rain jackets or umbrellas.. so we ended up running around and dancing in the rain.. which was kinda cold..but also kinda fun :) then some of us decided that wed had enough of being in the rain, so we ducked in and out of a few shops along Champs Elysees - the famous shopping street.. where all of the big designers have stores..
that night there was fireworks by the eiffel tower, so most people went and checked them out.
DAY 15 - Paris
Today we had a tour on the bus of Paris and dove by some of the famous sites.. and had another stop at the eiffel tower for some photos etc.
The rest of the day we had to ourselves, so it was a perfect opportunity for some more shopping! :)
That evening we went to a fancy restaraunt.. so everyone got a bit dressed up which was kinda nice..
DAY 16 - Paris - Brussels (Belgium) - Hagen (Germany)
We had a really early start today and we left the beautiful city of Paris and headed towards Belgium... we stopped in Brussels for a few hours and got a chance to look around... Brussels was a cool city, and i think it would have been nice to spend a full day there.. while we were there, almost everybody had to try some belgium waffles!
Then we kept driving till we reached a town called Hagen in Germany.. this was the last official night of the tour.. this night we had a dinner all together, and then we had our own party... where some people gave out funny awards to people and we all signed each others flags and just talked and had fun.. a small group of us didnt sleep at all this night.. which was lots of fun.. and kinda convenient that there was a 24 hour mcdonalds just next door to our hotel..
DAY 17 - Hagen - Malmö (Sweden)
We were driving all day again today.. and we took the ferry from Germany back over to Denmark, then the bridge... and we were finally back in Sweden! Once we arrived back in Malmö it was time for alot of us to say goodbye... as some people were heading off straight away.. this was quite the emotional goodbye.. with lots of tears... as a lot of us will never see each other again.. i stayed in Malmö that night though, as did quite a few others.. and then i took the train home the next day..
it was the best 3 weeks of my life! and i met so many amazing people and everyone became really close by the end of the trip.. it was kinda special.. i loved all of the countries we visited and they were all so different :)
The last few weeks have also been pretty busy... oh and i turned 18! :)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
On Tuesday Megan and Phil (exchange students) came to Uppsala, we walked around a lot and looked at the church and the castle, spent several hours at a chinese restaraunt with a buffet ;), and then ate numerous strawberries and cherries in the park.. it was a nice day.
In a few hours I am going to Örebro, which is where Megan lives... I am giong to stay there till Sunday.. Another exchange student called Alex is also coming to stay..
we will be spending midsummer there aswell, which is this weekend.. it should be a nice couple of days.
then i should get back sunday, and then have monday and tuesday to pack....... and then.............. Wednesday i leave to go to Malmö ( a town in the very south of Sweden) to be ready for the Thursday morning when we leave for Europe !
Monday, June 21, 2010
Royal Wedding
There were soo many people in Stockholm, and the whole city was decorated in Swedish flags and other banners and decorations.. There were people handing out, paper swedish flags, candy, little cups of fruit, cardboard crowns and even Phone cards with 100kr of credit on it.. (i like freebies!)
Most of the day i spent with Megan (exchange student from U.S), Sofi (from Mexico) and Sofi's host parents. We just walked around and looked at different displays and things like that in the morning, then went and had lunch at a mexican restaraunt.. we watched the wedding on a big screen in like a park type area in stockholm.... (with hundreds of other people).. even though, i wasnt seeing it all happen in the flesh... it was still really cool.. to be within a few kilometres of it.. and to be watching it live... it was really nice and everyone was so into it.
after the wedding.. Victoria and Daniel went around town in a horse carraige, so people could get the chance to see them.. we set up in a spot.. we were like less than 10 metres from the road.. so we were realy close.. but we couldnt see anything cos of all the heads squished in front of us! it was kind of annoying.. we seen the tops of all the horse rider peoples who were riding ahead of teh carraige.. so we seen all these bopping heads.... but the carraige they were in was quite small so we coudnt actually see them... but ah well.. we were close.. :)
then that evening.. we met up with lots of other exchange students.
This is Megan, me and Sofi infront of some old styled boat they had in stockholm.. they were people all dressed up old fashioned and stuff aswell.. it was cool.
Today it is the longest day in Sweden... at the moment it is 11.19pm.. and it is still light outside... of course the sun is setting.. but it is still plenty light enough to see perfectly fine.. im not sure what time the sun will rise.. .but it normally is light at like 3.30 am... it makes sleeping kinda difficult sometimes.. but luckily it is summer holidays so i dont have to wake up early for school anyway!
Friday, June 18, 2010
sorry its been a while..
alot has happened since i last wrote and im struggling to remember what excatly has happened...
so i moved to a different family, i was there for 3 weeks.. and i am now back at my first host family while my second family go to Greece for a few weeks...
Where i have been living, there is Anna who is my host mum and then her daughter Johanna, who is almost 16... Anna works as a pilot captain for SAS airlines..
while Anna is at work, her mother Elvy is quite often at the house helping out and keeping an eye on Johanna and I. The three of them are all so lovely, and made me feel very welcome.. and i look forward to staying there for a longer period of time, later in the year..
okay so now im going to attempt to say a litte about what i've been doing the past 3 weeks.. and it is going to be in no particular order...
One of the days, i went to gröna lund in stockholm with some friends from school... Gröna Lund is the theme park in Stockholm... it was pretty cool, and there were lots of cool rollercoasters and other scary rides! it was a really fun day...
Except there was a thing called Lustiga Huset... which is like a crazy house that you walk through and have to try and get out alive... (think in grease, when danny and sandy are singing your the one that i want, and theyre in that crazy house thing at the carnival)
anywho, i dont like this house... there was a tunnel thing that you had to walk through.. and while you walked through it was rotating... and so your meant to like walk against the movement or some crap...
which i didnt do.... so i took one step.. and fell. which was embarassing... but you know, i could deal with that..
but then i tried to get up.... and couldnt. and kept trying.. but couldnt... i was like starting to rotate around and my bag was rotating.. and i had arms and legs going everywhere.. anywho after a decent minute or so, i finally got dragged off the 'tunnel of hell' by one of my friends..
i was very happy to get out of lustiga huset!
I also went camping for a weekend.. i went to a place called oxelösund and went with other exchagne students... there was 8 of us.. four girls and four guys...
it was a really fun weekend.. we were camping in some forest and were right on the coast of the baltic sea.. and it was really pretty...
Another sunny afternoon, Anna and her mother took me to Sigtuna, which is a town quite close to Knivtsa... it is one of the oldest towns in Sweden..
its quite a small town (although, not parrakie small!), it probably has around 10,000 people or less. it is quite a touristy type town and has lots of litte shops and cafe's..
we spent the afternoon walking the streets and lanes.. and having fika.. and also walking along the water..
I also witnessed a Swedish graduation.. all 3rd year students graduated a few weeks ago.. and they celebrate this a bit different to how we do in Australia.. to begin with, they attend a Champagne Breakfast... which i think is pretty self explanatory.. they all get together.. eat and drink.... then they get they're results.. and get let out of the school..... and outside is friends and family.. waiting for theyre 'student'.. they have a big poster thing on a stick with the students name and a baby photo.. and then when they come out.. everyone gives them flowers, and alcohol, and other things which are all on necklace type things, so they can have it all hanging around their necks.. then.. they the class gets in the back of a big truck... which they have all decorated with banners and big branches of leaves and stuff.... then they drive around the city in these trucks for a few hours... and they have music playing... and are all dancing and screaming.. and drinking.. and just celebrating..
then normally everyone goes home to their houses.. and they have a party.. for like family, and close friends.. where there is lots of eating and drinking.. and they get presents and so on..
i went with the president of rotary, to watch her granddaughters 'graduation'.. we went into uppsala.. and watched her come out of school, then watched her go round on her truck.. and then went back to her home for a few hours.. it was quite interesting to see how they do it in sweden..
oh and they all have hats.. that look like sailor hats.. and they have their name on them and their class.. :)
we also had our school 'avslutning'... which i think is just a fancy word for end of school year/last day.. we didnt have any lessons or anything.. just went to school for a few hours.. and all of the students who do music, sang songs and things like that.. it was quite nice... then our whole class, went to a chinese restaraunt and ate lunch together..
so now when i start school again, in the autumn.. i will be in the second year :)
i spent a day in stockholm.. it was a rotary organised day.. and we went to the three different parliament houses in sweden.. it was kinda cool... we had guided tours through them all, (in swedish), so i didnt really understand much at all.... but they looked really fancy and they were really old buildings so that was cool.. and it was fun to see people..
i also went to stockholm for a day shopping with angie.. that was fun and it was really nice weather :)
hmm ive also done a couple other things in there, but theyre not that interesting and this is already quite lengthy...
but tomorrow....
i am going to stockholm, yet again..
The crown princess Victoria is getting married tomorrow, to a man named Daniel.. and the wedding is in Stockholm... so there is a whole bunch of other exchange students going to stockholm tomorrow aswell... so i guess we will just look at all the people and see, what we can see!
p.s. i leave for my europe trip in 12 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
I am so bad at it, i keep procrastinating (like now for instance), i dont know where all the stuff i have here came from :S it is definately more than 20kg!!
anywho i really have nothing interesting to tell you, apart from i dont like packing.. and i suppose i should keep at it, cos i still have lots to do and i am shifting tomorrow morning!
adios amigos.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
That night there was a group of us that went to some place on top of some hill surrounded by trees and stuff... and we had a fire.. and cooked korv (sausage) and all talked lots... There was Me, Megan (U.S), Stevie (NZ), Nathan (Canada), Zach (US), Maxence (France), Nathan (France), Mayuka (Japan)... There was also a group of swedes at the same spot.. and they were playing a Swedish game called Kubb.. and we talked to them for a bit and played Kubb with them, which was really fun.. (google it, if you want to know what it is)..
it was a nice night.. with only a little bit of drama.. involving a certain exchange student deciding they would spend 3 hours up a tree in the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning.. and not get down..
The next morning we went to Trosa, which is not far from Nyköping.. (Trosa means womens underpants in Swedish.. hehehe).. On the drive there, we seen two mooses on the side of the road! i got sooo excited, and was making little excited noises :) one of my aims this year, was to see a moose.... and now i have seen two of them!!!
we were at Trosa for saturday and sunday... there was exchange students there that are currently in sweden (like me) and then there were some swedish students who were going to be exchange students.. The weekend was really chilled, and we all just talked lots and played sport and stuff.. where we were staying was really nice.. it was actually a school.. but it was right near a lake.. and forest and there were all beautiful gardens all around.. while going for a walk.. we seen a dead snake on the path... which was also another exciting moment... even if it was dead..
it was really small and it was chopped in half, with all its snake guts coming out ;) there are only two types of snakes in sweden and only one is poisonous... this was one of the poisonous ones :)
Yesterday, we had a thing called Slaget... it was like a sports day type thing for school.. the school i go to, Rosendal was competing against another gymnasium, called Fyris.
Throughout the day, there were lots of different sports being played... there was Innerbandy, Dodgeball, Basketball, Handball, Soccer and Volleyball... it was all played in a stadium thing... and on one side sat Fyris and then on the other side all the people from Rosendal sat... everyone was wearing their schools colours.. and it was such a cool atmosphere.. by the end of it.. my throat was sore from yelling and my hands were sore from clapping.... and i wasnt cheering half as much as most people were! we ended up winning the day, which was really cool... cos the people from Fyris were all really annoying and such bad sports, so i was glad they didnt win :)
Afterwards.. me, angelina, philip and axel went to a chinese restaraunt and had the buffet :) yummmmm.. i was soooo hungry.. i hadnt eaten all day.. and so, all you can eat chinese went down very nicely :)
Last night i also got a package from home in the mail, which was really exciting.. it was all pretty ordinary things that if i was in australia i would have and see quite regularly... chocolate, vegemite, some local newspapers from home, a frankie magazine and a few photos... but seeing im not in australia at the moment, it was so exciting to see all these familiar things :)
This sunday i am moving to another family for two weeks.. so before then i have to pack up all my things here, which is a big job.... i have already bought and collected so many things in my four months here.. so i am not looking forward to the next few days where i have to pack it all up and shift it.. I am a bit nervous about changing families, but i am also excited.. I guess it is going to happen whether i am nervous about it or not.. so there is no use in worrying too much about it..
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Long Weekend
On the Thursday Mats, Naya and I drove about 3 hours north.. and went to stay in Mats' fathers summer house in the woods... It was quite fun.. we went for lots of walks in the forest and just relaxed a lot.. i was really hoping to see a moose.. but unfortunately I didnt see one! there was sooo much moose poo though.. and there was some only like 10 metres from the house.. so they were around..
there are also supposed to be bears around that area, but i didnt see any of those either!
it was funny, when we were walking around the forest.. instead of looking out for snakes and lizards.. i was looking out for mooses and bears! quite a bit different! oh and i kept expecting to just see a kangaroo jump past.. but believe it or not, i didnt see any of those either!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Valborg, Norberg, Stockholm
I'll start with Valborg..
Valborg is a celebration in Sweden on the 30th of April.. which from what i gathered, celebrates spring.. noone really knows the true reason of what they are celebrating.. but in Sweden, you dont really need a reason :)
Valborg in Uppsala is pretty massive.. I'm not sure how many people were in Uppsala that day... but there was a lot! Valborg is celebrated all throughout Sweden.. but because Uppsala has so many students living there, the event is a lot bigger here.
It was a really nice day, and the weather was nice and sunny.. we walked around alot, ate strawberries, sat a bit.. and walked some more.. at 3 o clock, all of the students gathered together wearing funny white hats, that looked like sailers hats.. then the head of the university (i think thats who it was) said something.. and then all the students ran down a hill.. that probably doesnt make much sense how i explained it.. but to be honest.. i didnt really get it ;) so thats the best i can do.
then that night me, Lara, Clara, Johanna, Lovisa and Lina all stayed at Angelina's house.. which was lots of fun..
so it was kinda cool to think back and finally be on the other side of the whole thing... there were a few boring talks about preparing for exchange that were aimed for the swedish people.. and then in the afternoon all the parents went home.. and we all stayed the night at the place.. it was pretty fun.. we played some games and things, and all just talked alot.. we went for a walk that night to try and find the old mines.. (cos norberg was a mining site) but nobody actually knew where we were meant to go.. and we didnt end up finding them... we did however find snow! which was odd... as i thought all the snow was gone!
It was a cool weekend.. and was really good to catch up with all the other exchange students... and cool to meet all the swedes that are going to be exchange students!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The past week...

That night some of us went sledding/sliding down a hill.. and some stayed at the hotel.. I went and it was lots of fun.. i hadn't actually done it since i have been here in sweden.. so i cant really compare.. but this hill was really steep! and pretty icy.. so it was scary aswell as fun.. one time i was going down on this plastic thing.. and it fell out from underneath me.. so i slid the whole way down on my back.. it was pretty funny cos i had no way of stopping.. and like i said it was a big hill! but i will admit.. i was pretty scared ;)
The next day we had an early start.. and breakfast was at 6.00.. The week was run by the 2nd and 3rd year students at the gymnasium in Kiruna as part of their tourism programme.. so we spent the week with them and quite alot of time at the school.. all of our meals were at the school, which was about a 10 minute walk from where we were staying.. Anywho on tuesday we all got in the bus and we we went to a town/city called Narvik in Norway! It took a few hours to drive there... and all the scenery along the way was soo beautiful!
Then we did lots of different activities.. to start with we played a type of chasey.. which was fun. then we got put into teams of four.. and we rotated through different things.. one was drilling a hole into the ice.. (for ice fishing)
After this.. we could do whatever we wanted... they were letting us drive the snow skooters.. so everyone had a turn at that... some of us also went ice fishing.... but nobody caught anything..
Everyone was pretty excited to drive the snow skooters.. including myself.. however unfortunately we had to go back.. and i still hadn't had a turn at driving one yet... so they said that i could drive it back to the place.. this was all well and good.. but it meant i had to tow a trailer of exchange students.. and also had to go along a narrow path.. (i'm not the world's best steerer)..... and there was a part of the track that was quite narrow.. and on a bit of an angle.... and so i was driving along.. and i slowly began to feel that i was on more and more of an angle... and the next thing i knew.. i had tipped the snow skooter... gahhhhh.... it was a tiny bit embarassing.. and i felt a bit bad.. cos the guy who owned the snow skooter looked a bit pissed... but it wasnt broken or anything :) but the people that were in the trailer that i was towing seemed to find it quite humorous..
Thursday was the last day.. and alot of people were going home at different times during the day.. for those that weren't going home until that night.. (which was me!) we got to go and have a tour of the mines... we took a bus and drove down into the mines.. which was really cool. cos i havent done anything like that before... i didn't realise what it was like down there... just roads and tunnels everywhere.. with trucks and utes driving everywhere... we got to stop on the visitors level and we had a tour... it was really cool..
We arrived in Gothenburg at around 3.30pm.. and i was feeling pretty gross after having spent so much time on a train in the past 24 hours.. Where i was staying was in a town called Onsala, which is about an hour by bus and train out of gothenburg... i stayed with another exchange student called Bryce and his host family.. On the Saturday.. Me, Bryce, Tom, Stevie and Charlotte (other exchange students) all went to Liseberg the theme park in Gothenburg... it was the opening day.. which was pretty exciting.. we went on all of the rides.. and it was lots of fun! it wasn't as good as the theme parks on the Gold Coast in Australia.. but it was still lots of fun!
On the Sunday, in the afternoon i went to the ANZAC day ceremony in Gothenburg.. there were lots of other Australian exchange students there and a few New Zealand ones aswell... The reason they have a ANZAC ceremony in Gothenburg is because there are Australian and NZ soldiers buried there... After the ceremony, there was a reception and they served lots of australian foods, like vegemite sandwichs, anzac biscuits and sausage rolls!
I had a great week.. and got to see and do so much.. and am now very tired and in need of lots of sleep!!!! :)
Tonight me and a few others are going to Clara's and we are going to watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show... which as some of you know, is my favourite movie :) so im looking forward to that... and then tomorrow is Valborg.. which im not entirely sure what it is.. but they celebrate it quite big in Uppsala, all i know is we are going to have a picnic and then stay the night at Angelina's so it should be fun :) but i will talk more about all of that probably next time i write....
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Long train rides and bus rides ahead!
i am still going... just now i am taking the train there!! which is a short 16 hour trip ;)
i leave from stockholm at 8.42pm tonight and then will arrive tomorrow afternoon sometime..
i am currently in the process of packing.. and am finding it extremely difficult! I have packed my backpack for the train though... complete with fully charged ipod, my knitting, a book, and some paper and pen incase i get keen and decide to write a letter or two.
We are also taking the train home.. so we will leave thursday sometime and get back friday morning... so i will arrive at stockholm station friday morning, have an hour or so waiting there.. and then get on my bus for a 7 hour trip to gothenburg.... gahhh i am going to be sick of trains and buses!!! but i spose i dont really mind... cos i am getting to travel around :)
yesterday i went to uppsala and met up with angelina.. we went and had sushi and then went to the cinemas..
i was a bit of a wuss with the sushi and had chicken instead of raw fish... but that looked and smelt disgusting.. so i was happy with my choice.. ;)
we saw alice and wonderland in 3D and that was really cool, i think i like any movie thats in 3D though!
anywho i should go and fully dedicate to this packing business..
anddd i wont be back till early next monday morning.. so bye for now!!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
o o oo o o oierfe eife e fa efa eef ae e e
I guess i should write blogs a bit more often... because when i went to log in to my account just now... i couldnt remember my password!
Last sunday afternoon i went to Clara's house to celebrate Angelina's 17th birthday.. that was lots of fun and there was about 8 of us there.. we ate a pancake cake.... it was pancake, layer of nutella, pancake, layer of nutella, pancake, layer of nutella..... and so on and so forth.. it was very yummy! and it was a really nice time there..
Today at school i did a presentation to the rest of my class about Australia and my life in Australia.. i think it went quite well... (by quite well, i mean nobody in the class fell asleep from boredom!) it was funny though, to see their reactions to different things that i told them about.
I started knitting a scarf last week.. and i must say that i am rather impressed with my efforts so far! its quite long already and starting to really resemble a scarf! I will keep you posted on my rapid progress ;)
My host family also has a guitar here.. but it had broken strings.. but last week i restrung it and so i have been playing that alot lately.. which is lots of fun, because i had really missed playing music since i have been here..
On Monday i am meant to be flying to the very top of Sweden to a town called Kiruna.. this is for a rotary trip with other exchange students... however as you have probably heard... because of the stupid volcano in iceland, and all the stupid volcanic ash... all flights have been cancelled....
so i am not sure whether they will still be cancelled on monday or if it will be okay to fly by then.... i am really hoping that the ash all blows away! providing it does.... I will fly to Kiruna on Monday and be there till Thursday, when I will then fly home.. There are about 40 exchange students going.. and while we are there, we are having a tour of the ice hotel.. and also going on snow skooters.. i'm not too sure what else is happening..
for those of you who are interested or have nothing better to do right now....
that is where Kiruna is!
So i will return home from there on Thursday afternoon sometime... then on Friday morning i am taking the bus to the second biggest city in Sweden, which is called Gothenburg...
and just cos i did it with Kiruna.. I'll do it for Gothenburg aswell..
It will take about 6 hours from Stockholm on the bus... I will be there until Sunday... I am staying at another exchange student's house who i met at Are. The reason I'm going to Gothenburg is because all of the Australian and New Zealand exchanges students were invited to an ANZAC day ceremony there on the Sunday... So that should be quite interesting.. Then Sunday night i will take the night bus back home! (which will be a nice uncomfortable and sleepless trip)
Then i guess its back to school for me!
I cant really think of anything else to right... except for my new favourite soft drink is fanta! :)
oh and the snow is pretty much completely gone!!! :)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Easter and stuff.
anywho the shifty, sly easter hen hid my egg downstairs in a cupboard... which i sniffed out and found.. now i bet all you australians are thinking.. yum a chocolate egg... but alas! this egg was not chocolate... it was made out of paper/plastic and had pictures on it of baby chickens and stuff.. but then inside it was filled with candy.. yum :)
I did see in some shops that they have some chocolate eggs for sale, but it was nothing compared to the amount of chocolate eggs you can buy in Australia... oh and theres no hot cruss buns here.. which doesnt really bother me, but i still always associate with easter..
Then on saturday Sanne, Naya and I drove north of Uppsala and looked at some different art exhibitions.. one of them was her own.. it was quite fun and interesting.
It was the Uppsala team playing some team from south of sweden.. i was going for the Uppsala team.. cos they had cooler uniforms and cos they were better.. they won 4 goals to 0.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Waffles and Ice Racing.
National Waffle Day is a holiday that originated in Sweden. It is called 'Vaffeldagen' in Swedish. The holiday coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation, a religious event. In addition, 'Waffle day' on March 25 has always been considered the start of spring - especially in Sweden. It became a custom for swedish families to celebrate the two events by making waffles on this day.
To 'celebrate' Waffle Day I went to Angelina's house (a girl in my class) and a few other classmates came aswell Lovisa, Philip and Axel.
We made and ate lots of waffles with jam and cream.. it was lots of fun and i felt sick from eating so many waffles :) Then we played a swedish board game.... well i kind of watched the others play it.. it was a word game, so knowledge of the swedish language is helpful. knowledge which i am currently lacking..
On Saturday Mats and I went into Uppsala to watch the 'Ice racing'.. it was motorbikes which had big spikey wheels racing on ice.. it was quite cool to watch!
Although i enjoyed watching the actual racing... i enjoyed looking at all the different people there almost as much... ...since i have been in Sweden i have seen minimal 'ferals'.. but now however after spending an afternoon at the Ice Racing, i can safely say that i have seen an abundance of ferals.. There were so many drunk people which was quite funny aswell, next to where we were standing there were a few guys who were really drunk and got in a fight with these other people.. which was really funny to watch.
There were around 5,800 people there.. and i think i was one of the 50 females that were there! seemed to be ver
There were some cool crashes though, which got me excited! And i was happy that the guy who has won the last five years in a row or something stupid, and who was winning all of the races... got beaten in the final race! and ended up coming second :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
anyway, once we were covered in snow, we then made the 'what seems like forever' walk/run (so you dont slip) back to the pool... jumping into the pool was the nicest feeling.. it was good to feel my body temperature go back to normal.. it was a lot of fun though and a really cool experience.
Friday, March 12, 2010
but i think the swedes have missed it more than i have ;)
At school one day this week, the sun was out.. and it was around 3 degrees outside.. so we went for a walk outside (without our jackets!!).. it was funny though.. because alot of the boys were already outside, just standing there in the sun.. with only tshirts on... i thought it was quite funny.. by the way everyone was acting, you would have thought it was a nice 25 degree day outside.. but no, it was 3 degrees!!
oh and something.. which kind of freaked me out happened this week!... i was laying in bed.. and i heard a buzzing noise in my bedroom.. then it stopped.. and i heard it again in a different part of the room... so i turned on the light and.. there.. was... a FLY! i didn't even think flies existed in Sweden.. but it was flying around my room and when it landed.. i had a closer look and it was definately a fly! i thought i was crazy for a moment though.. and that i somehow must have bought a fly with me from Australia... anyway once i had worked out what the buzzing was... i turned the light off and went back to bed.. and then tried to fall asleep to the relaxing noise of a dying fly.. which strangely reminded me of being back home.
And another thing! the other night i was watching t.v and i found that Hannah Montana was about to start... so i got quite excited! (for those that know me well, will know that i enjoy an episode or seven of hannah montana) so i sat down ready to watch it with my cup of tea... and then it started.. and Miley started speaking Swedish! and then so did Lily! and Billy-ray! it was horrible... they had swedish voiceovers! after about 5 minutes of watching in dissapointment i switched the channel over to Scrubs.. which didnt disapppoint.
I'm pretty happy that the snow is starting to melt.. its exciting to be able to see a little bit more of the footpath each day.. and the other day i seen some very dead grass atempting to poke through the snow.. which was exciting!
Although, i hope there is lots of snow in Åre next week.. because that is where i will be! I take the night train from stockholm at 11.50pm saturday night (tomorrow night) and then arrive the next morning at 7.54am! There will be a few other exchange students on the same train, so that should be good. There will be 40 exchange students on the camp and they will be from all different countries, i know a few people that are going already.. but most of the people i will have not met before.. We will be there till thursday and will be having ski school each morning then the rest of the day to go down different runs.. I have chosen to do snowboarding.. but some people will be skiing aswell.. It should be a really fun week..
so tomorrow i will wash and pack my clothes! i hate packing though.. i never know what i will need.. and i always end up taking way to much.. and then i am always the one with the ridiculously oversized bag.. and then i struggle to carry it!
Anyway i will write some more when i get back at the end of the week!! and hopefully i will still have working limbs and no injuries!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I don't have to much new stuff to say... but on Monday.. we didn't have to go to school.. so me and 9 other girls who are in my class (and who are all lovely!) took the train to Stockholm :)
It was such a nice day, minus the weather... which was quite 'un'nice, it was snowing lots and because the previous few days had been quite warm, there were puddles everywhere... which made me realise that i think it is time i bought some new shoes! i only bought one pair of winter boots with me, because of the 20kg weight limit.. and they are getting quite old... and apparently quite holey.
i had wet socks all day, which was just brilliant..
haha i didnt really mind though.. i was just happy to be in stockholm :)
We spent the day looking in different shops.. and they were some really cool ones.. much cooler than the shops in Adelaide (not that i dont like the shops in Adelaide :) ) we went to a pizza place for lunch and all had our own pizza...
and i felt a bit silly.. when we got served our pizza's i said.. 'woah, where do i start' (i was a bit overwhelmed and the pizza hadnt been cut) and one of the girls said.. 'in the middle somewhere'..
so having heard that.. and being in sweden (where they do many things very differently) i thought.... okay i must just use my knife and fork and cut out bits from the middle... bit weird, but okay.. :P
so i was eating away at my pizza making a nice hole in the middle... (it looked like a donut) and then i looked over at everyone else and they were cutting there pizza into pieces and eating it... how you would normally eat a pizza. Then they all saw how i had been eating my pizza, and seemed to find it quite humorous... which looking back.. i guess it kinda was.. haha
We also had a look around Gamla Stan which is the old city centre of Stockholm.. it was really cool and the buildings are all so old and pretty looking.. i didn't take any photos of anything this day though, because the weather was so crappy and i was a bit lazy i guess.
Anyway it was a great day in Stockholm, with great company :)
Other than that i have just been going to school this past week... Yesterday (saturday) it was so nice and sunny, so Me and Sanne took the dogs for a walk and then sat in the snow drinking some weird hot drink stuff.. it was nice to see the sun again! Then Sanne's second oldest daughter Karen and her Boyfriend came here.. They have spent the past two months in New Zealand travelling and only just got back yesterday... so it was really good to meet them and hear about their trip..
Then today we found out that Sanne's eldest daughter, Marit gave birth to twins late last night.. so that is really exciting! She had two boys, and I'm not sure what they are named yet..
This afternoon Sanne, Naya and I went for a drive about 30kms away to some very small town that has some big shop, that is apparently quite good... so we drove there.... only to realise that it doesn't open on Sunday's... So then we went to some other shops on the outskirts of Uppsala and bought some baby clothes for the twins :)
This week I just have school all week.. but then on Saturday night i am taking the night train with Jess, another exchange student to Järpen ready for a week of snowboarding/skiing at Åre.. (which is a really big ski resort). It is a rotary trip.. so there will be 40 of us exchange students there.. I'm already getting really excited about it!
Oh and Happy Birthday Rhani! its not the 8th here in Sweden yet.. but it is in Australia :)