National Waffle Day is a holiday that originated in Sweden. It is called 'Vaffeldagen' in Swedish. The holiday coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation, a religious event. In addition, 'Waffle day' on March 25 has always been considered the start of spring - especially in Sweden. It became a custom for swedish families to celebrate the two events by making waffles on this day.
To 'celebrate' Waffle Day I went to Angelina's house (a girl in my class) and a few other classmates came aswell Lovisa, Philip and Axel.
We made and ate lots of waffles with jam and cream.. it was lots of fun and i felt sick from eating so many waffles :) Then we played a swedish board game.... well i kind of watched the others play it.. it was a word game, so knowledge of the swedish language is helpful. knowledge which i am currently lacking..
On Saturday Mats and I went into Uppsala to watch the 'Ice racing'.. it was motorbikes which had big spikey wheels racing on ice.. it was quite cool to watch!
Although i enjoyed watching the actual racing... i enjoyed looking at all the different people there almost as much... ...since i have been in Sweden i have seen minimal 'ferals'.. but now however after spending an afternoon at the Ice Racing, i can safely say that i have seen an abundance of ferals.. There were so many drunk people which was quite funny aswell, next to where we were standing there were a few guys who were really drunk and got in a fight with these other people.. which was really funny to watch.
There were around 5,800 people there.. and i think i was one of the 50 females that were there! seemed to be ver
There were some cool crashes though, which got me excited! And i was happy that the guy who has won the last five years in a row or something stupid, and who was winning all of the races... got beaten in the final race! and ended up coming second :)